Friday, 1 July 2011

Something non-Platform related for once

So earlier in the month I blogged about getting offered a writing position with Brew Drinking Thinkings. I'm looking forward to having my first articles published in the August issue but it's also looking like I might get some help from the health & fitness expert to lose some weight for my graduation.

So watch this space as I might be doing a diet & fitness diary for BDT to keep track of my progress... It'd be nice to wear something other than a potato sack for my graduation (especially since I might be going to our glorious capital for it!).

MA here I come!

I did it! I got an offer from Durham Uni and I'm so ridiculously excited about it you wouldn't believe I was capable of such excitement!!

I hope it doesn't make me lose interest in the OU though...

An ode to my Ma

My mother is so clever and creative, she wrote me a poem

An ode to my Ma

Well I've finally finished it!

Almost 8 years after first starting my degree I've finally finished it. I won't get the results until August but all the work is done.

Yey! Although it did leave me feeling at a bit of a loss...

A degree of sadness