Hey ho. Such is life.
I'm fully wound down from the Philosophy module now, thoroughly glad it's over and am now getting well into the swing of my Social Policy module. It makes all the difference when it's a subject you can read and understand and find really interesting, I'm genuinely looking forward to getting further through this module and I don't think I'll find it difficult to lose myself for a couple of hours at a time in one of the books so it's great to know that I'll hopefully be finishing off my BSc with a smile.
I've been thinking about my health again over the past few days. I'm getting a little bit too pudgy for my comfort and contemplated diving back into Weight Watchers full throttle, but then I remember what happened last time I did it; I was constantly hungry, really missed some foods and got a bit miserable counting up points and half points, and although I'd lost weight I was still a bit weak and flabby. So I'm considering taking my better half's advice and approaching it from the other way round. The way I view WW is that calories in must be less than calories out (ie you must eat less than you burn), however Gordie's stance is that calories out must be greater than calories in (ie you must burn more than you eat), so rather than cutting back on food, which to be honest I'm not good at doing (I'm a bulemic amnesiac - I binge then forget to purge!), I'd be better off just upping my exercise.
In my usual over the top manner, I'm giving consideration to setting myself some challenges for next year. I'd thought of setting 3 challenges, each in a different discipline, and each ensuring that I'd have to train to achieve them, so here's the 3 I'm looking at doing:
- Allendale Challenge - a one day 40km trek through the Northumberland moors in April 2011. This is considered a very tough walk but I love walking and the area it's in is one of my favourite places.
- Northern Rock Cyclone - a 64 mile road ride around the back-roads of Northumberland. I've been meaning to do this ride for years so no excuses this time.
- Great North Run - this will be the worst as I currently can't run for more than 2 minutes at a time but running's a great way to shed flab so I'll just have to force myself to enjoy it. A couple of friends run so I'll try and team up.
I fear I may be biting too much here.
I hear that Slimming World is far better than Weight Watchers. Well, Wendy keeps trying to talk me into it. It's a lot cheaper too so less money down the drain if it doesn't work out for you.
ReplyDeleteIf you've got the student card, you get Fitness First for about a fiver a month less than normal people.